New small group training time slot.

New small group training time slot.

You Asked, We Listened

At RenewMe Fitness, our mission is to make personal training and medical fitness accessible to every senior in our community. As such, we listened to your feedback, and are now in the process of adding more small group training sessions to the calendar! Many have requested a time-slot closer to lunchtime. Simply reply to this post and let us know if a small group on Tuesdays or Thursdays at 11am12pm1pm, or 1:30pm would be of interest to you (or someone you know). We'll do what we can do accommodate your preferred time.

Making a world of difference and Villa Maya FUNdraiser!

Making a world of difference and Villa Maya FUNdraiser!

"Making a world of difference"

So, we recently received the greatest letter ever.​ It was from a current client's spouse, sharing how in-home training with RenewMe Fitness is significantly improving their quality of life. This letter quickly circulated across our entire workforce—​reminding us exactly why we do what we do. We've decided to share it with you, as well.

Info on Our Upcoming Studio Sessions! August Special!

Info on Our Upcoming Studio Sessions! August Special!

Our big announcement about studio sessions sparked a ton of interest, but it also begs the question: "Why group training?"

Good question! We've found that different people can benefit from very different approaches to personal training. While our signature, in-home sessions continue to transform countless people's lives, many others will benefit from the motivationstructurefun, and support of small group studio sessions. Not to mention, group training is more cost efficient, kind of like splitting a bottle of wine with your friends ;)